German Version below - Deutsche Fassung im nächsten Posting
Hi folks,
For a few years i have an idea and now its the time to do it..... and i need your help for it.
I want to collect pictures from Z3s (Roadster and Coupe) from all over the world. If a have a few I also plan to publish them (on the internet etc.) & make a nice collection of our beautiful cars. I want your car in your country.
This is a long term project. I hope that the list of different countries grows year by year.
It would be great to receive your picture but please note that the picture should meet some demands:
- it must be your picture (you must be the owner of the rights). So please don't steal it from somewhere else.
- you must give me the permission to use the picture and to publish it (e.g. on the internet etc.).
- the number plate must be visible. The reason for that is that the number plate is typical for each country.
- there must be at least one Z3 (roadster or Coupe) on the picture. It is also great if there is a group of cars on it.
- it would be nice if the car is photographed in front of a typical (or famous) building or landscape of your country.
- there can be also people on the picture e.g. you, your family or whoever
- please no faked pictures.
In the case you dont want your picture, your car and your number plate published please dont send me your pics.
It would be nice if you tell me a bit more about the picture (e.g. location and date) , the car (engine, color, production year etc.) and you. Just a small background story.
I will not publish your real name or your email-address.
If you want to send me your pics please use this email:
It doesnt matter if you send them today, next month or next year.
If you want to know a bit more about me (and my Z3) have a look here:
If you have further questions dont hesitate to ask. Post your question(s) here or write me an email or pm.